Wednesday, September 18, 2013


so, I made blondies. or congo bars. I've seen these being baked by bloggers all around...but they seem to prefer the name congo bars...instead of blondies. I guess maybe because like me, the only other blondie that I know of is this one particular talented lady. tulah pasal agaknya. order to see what the hoopla is all about about these congo bars/blondies, I decided to bake them. because seriously...that's what I've been hearing, day out. congo bars here...congo bars there...congo bars everywhere. oh, and I also bought this oh! so wonderful brownie pan thingamajig. :-) what better way than to break the pan in with this recipe, right?
okay, I went around looking for an easy recipe, well, if you know me, you know I want to make it as easy as possible. and found a recipe from and i had almost all the ingredients. so, the rest is history.
the recipe is pretty straightforward and easy enough. and i have taken the liberty...because, i am such a nice person, to convert everything into metric measurements. but for those of you who would like to use the imperial measurement, please feel free to click here.
okay, ready for the recipe now?
you will need:
305g all purpose flour
2½ tsp baking powder 
½ tsp salt
150g butter, softened
454g brown sugar ( read right)
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
326g choco chips (i used a combo of dark, milk and white chocolate chips)
170g pecan (optional, i didn't have any, so...)

the how to:*
1)  preheat your oven to 170°C

2)  i placed the flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl and used a fork to sort of 'whisk' them.

3)  in my mixer i combined the butter and sugar till blended.

4)  then in goes the eggs, one at a time. mixer speed on low.

5)  add in the vanilla.

6)  add in the flour mixture till they are all combined.

7)  last but not least, stir in the chocolate chips and pecans.

8)  bake for 30 minutes or so, depending on your oven. you know your oven, so please adjust accordingly. **

9)  i used a 9" x 9" brownie pan.

* has two preparation options, you either prepare the mixture by hand or mixer. i decided on using my mixer.

** i baked mine for a bit longer than the specified 30minutes.

 tastewise, to me, it was a tad too sweet. i would adjust the amount of sugar the next time i bake these. but, MrG seems to like them. i mean, he finished 3 slices in one go! so i guess that says a lot, huh? all in all, this recipe is a keeper. in fact, i will be baking these to bring to my class on Saturday. yeay!!!

please give this recipe a will NOT regret it.

and yes, i remember, i still owe you guys one baking flop story, but...this is too good of a recipe to delay posting. hahhahahahahaa...alasaannn.

go on now! bake on!!

thank you:
1) and emimusic for the video clip.
2)  bakerella for the wonderful recipe.
3)  Chicago metallic for the photo of the brownie pan.

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