well, the long awaited trip to LA finally arrived. been looking forward to this trip for the longest time. ever since the wife left, to be exact. but here's the thing, i usually get all excited and would start packing like say, a month before...hahahah, but this time round, i only started packing the day before.
so, disebabkan aku ni memang lah jakun...haha!!! i made sure we arrived extra early, just so we could enjoy the lounge. harus lah mengambil gambar gitu. so, here are the pics that i've managed to snap. i know, i know, it might gross some people out when i post pics of the restroom...but who the ham cares...it's my blog, i get to post whatever it is that i want, aight???
okay, here goes...

oh, and you ready for this? they even have a sleeping area for those tired eyes to take a nap or something. very cozy kan?

and this is where you lepak-lepak while waiting for you flight, you can makan-makan, watch TV and also surf the net. eh! macam iklan untuk golden lounge la pulak-pulak. one thing's for sure, service memang A+...and the food is simply divine!!

okay, we'll continue about the trip soon...